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Why hello there, my name is Aaron and welcome to my blog :) This is the place where I share all of my fondest memories with you and also the place where I rant out all the emotions I get flooded with daily.

Bucket List
  Get accepted by a university
  Attend university
  Survive A Levels
  Meet Gin Lam and attend her classes
  Meet Ellen Kim and attend her classes
  Go for Urban Dance Camp at least once
  Bungee Jumping
  Diving in the Maldives
  Attend the Ellen DeGeneres show!
  Meet Ailee
  Meet Beyonce
  Make my own YouTube Channel
  Diving in the Maldives
  Walk along a pristine beach with a loved one
  Be in a long lasting, stable relationship
  Get a Charm Bracelet
  Purchase the full set of The New 52 Batgirl Comics
  Purchase the full set of The New 52 Wonder Woman Comics


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Another Sem.
Tuesday 29 July 2014 | Posted by Aaron | 0 comment/s
Yeap, so another semester at uni started. Classes commenced yesterday, and I arrived in Melbourne the day before, just in time for class. Hehe. 

Its only day 2 of Semester 2, and I can already feel the pressure and stress regarding assignments and exams. This is probably partly due to the subjects I'm taking, along with the co-curricular activities I have responsibilities for. When I say co-curricular activities, it's mostly dance. As mentioned in one of my previous posts, I've successfully managed to be involved and be part of Flare Dance Ensemble's annual production, which I am extremely grateful for, though happiness through dancing comes at a price... it takes up a lot of time. Along with that, I really want to be involved in some of Flare's gigs this sem as well, and this will only add to the workload. This means that I have to get started with exam prep early, and I'm actually starting (ish) and it's only the second day of uni! I can't afford to slack since I'm taking relatively 'Asian' subjects, which includes Introductory Microeconomics, Data Analysis, Biology (Genetics and Evolution), and finally, Mind, Brain and Behaviour 2. 

MBB2 and Bio are relatively alright (judging from the first couple of lectures I've read up on), but my math skills are extremely lacking, hence Data Analysis will be slightly challenging. I had my first tutorial for DA an hour ago, and I actually survived! I managed to actually solve some stats questions and be involved. Super proud of myself.. and it's all thanks to Ms Yap (my A levels teacher for stats from GIS). THANK YOUUU. Though I am able to solve some questions, I still can't afford to slack. Aaaand since I haven't done economics before, I cannot afford to be lazy and skip anything! Today's lecture was pretty dull though, I need to find ways to keep myself awake and pay full attention to them. My econs lecturer seems pretty dull and strict, and along with that, SUPER old fashioned. All my lecturers so far have been using some form of powerpoint presentation or electronics presentation during lectures, but she is the only one who uses the PROJECTOR, and actual printout slides... the number of times she got mixed up with which slide she was on or was moving on to earlier was just... I facepalmed every single time. She's a good lecturer though, she knows her stuff, it's just that... I don't think her lecturing style suits my way of learning... or more like since she's lecturing to over 200 people, it's harder to be engaging with her style of lectures. I can already see myself going for her consultation hours and making an utter fool of myself, asking questions about even the most simple stuff. But then again, I managed to understand today's lecture pretty well, partly cause my dad (without me realizing) already started teaching me about econs... during family dinners. Whilst we were eating, my dad would talk to my mom and I about work and explain concepts behind what's going on, and yeah. THANKS DAD FOR INDIRECTLY PREPARING ME FOR THIS. Good stuff. 

Meh. I miss my parents. I miss being spoonfed everything, from transport to food and everything.. haha. I guess this is just part of life. You gotta leave your nest sooner or later right.. and start being responsible for yourself more. 

And honestly I don't even know how my seniors and other Flare members manage to cope with their workload and still managed to be super involved in production... along with that, I know some Flarians who have 3 jobs alongside that as well! How... I can't even. Wow. Much respect. 

ANYHO. Moving on from all my rants about stress and workload, I made a few new friends in my tutorial today! James, Danny and Jason :)) HELLO IF YOU'RE READING THIS. They're all like really smart and I'm actually slightly intimidated... they're really nice though! James is really good at stats, Danny's an engineering student and Jason knows what he's doing... and there's me. HAHAH. My tutor is super nice too! She's super understanding and it's like she knows when I want an explanation about things LOL. Maybe it's cause I'm an open book and my facial expressions of self-doubt, obliviousness and confusion gives it away? That exaggeration though, but yeah. She's uber nice and friendly. I like this tutor. 

So.. it's almost halfway through the week. ALMOST. Almost survived the first week of uni. Just a couple more days to go. I'm going out with Gigi and everyone tonight for dinner! At least I still have a social life... for now. 

P.S. Can't wait for the Cookies workshop and Keone and Mariel's workshop in August! SO EXCITED FOR IT. Yeap dance is taking over my life. Defo. 

P.P.S. It was super nice to go for Shayna's class again! If you don't know, Shayna is my dance teacher in Melbourne. Well I go for other teacher's classes as well, such as Tarik, Arisa and Trevor, but SHAYYYYNA is my 'main' teacher. Haha it's probably cause I've been going to her classes since I arrived in Melbourne, so she's my 'first'. LOL. Hi Shayna. You awesome. And whoever who's in Melbourne right now and you're reading this, you should DEFINITELY GO CHECK OUT HER CLASSES. All the other teachers I mentioned above as well but SHAYNA, YES. I'll post some links to her dancing below so you can check out her awesomeness:

P.P.P.S. I'm so happy I got to go back for Maybelline and Lydia's classes when I went back to Malaysia! I also got to check out Elaine's classes as well :) They all teach at Sole to Soul Dance Studio, and yep. They super awesome too. Here's a link to the chorey I learnt from her when I was in Malaysia. I hope I did justice to the chorey! I honestly felt like I could've done better... a lot better. Nicole filmed one of me practising when we went out with Nazzy for a dance session, I'll consider posting it if.. well.. yeah. Haha. Anyway here's Maybelline's latest chorey to Problem by Ariana Grande ft. Iggy! Thanks for having me! :)