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Why hello there, my name is Aaron and welcome to my blog :) This is the place where I share all of my fondest memories with you and also the place where I rant out all the emotions I get flooded with daily.

Bucket List
  Get accepted by a university
  Attend university
  Survive A Levels
  Meet Gin Lam and attend her classes
  Meet Ellen Kim and attend her classes
  Go for Urban Dance Camp at least once
  Bungee Jumping
  Diving in the Maldives
  Attend the Ellen DeGeneres show!
  Meet Ailee
  Meet Beyonce
  Make my own YouTube Channel
  Diving in the Maldives
  Walk along a pristine beach with a loved one
  Be in a long lasting, stable relationship
  Get a Charm Bracelet
  Purchase the full set of The New 52 Batgirl Comics
  Purchase the full set of The New 52 Wonder Woman Comics


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· ♔ My wonderful time in Melbourne (Final Post)
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· ♔ My wonderful time in Melbourne (Part 3)
· ♔ My wonderful time in Melbourne (Part 2)
· ♔ My wonderful time in Melbourne (Part 1)
· ♔ My wonderful photos from Brisbane.
· My wonderful time in Brisbane.
· A short follow up to the inconsequential post.
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Monday 21 October 2013 | Posted by Aaron | 0 comment/s
So many things to blog about, I have no idea where to start. I'm just going to make a list right now about future posts you should keep an eye out for, but do note that I might not write about it if I deem it to not be interesting enough for my blog. 

1. Sleepover with Ming :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) - see how I spammed the smileys? hehe.
2. University offers.
3. Introduction to Street Jazz.
4. How my other dance stuffs are coming along.
5. Flash mob rehearsals + the actual performance!

Hmm, you know what? I'm just going to blog about point number 5 - the flash mob!

On one fine night, right after one of my dance classes, Emerson (who is the head of marketing and communications in the dance school) approached me and asked whether I was interested in doing a flash mob performance in a couple of weeks. I have to say I was completely taken aback by the sudden request, and my immediate thought was 'Hey, wait a minute. Omg am I actually making a visible improvement in dance already? Nahhh no way man. But I guess I am cause he asked me but seriously omg this is way too cool I get a chance to perform after such a long time omg OMG OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG YAY.' I immediately agreed, without consulting my parents first mind you, and the thought about asking my parents about participating only occurred to me after I signed the contract. And at that moment, I suddenly started to panic. 'What if my parents disagree? Oh no what do I do?

I talked to my parents about it the moment I got home and guess what? They agreed! Did I mention I'm getting paid for it? Well I am. That certainly helped in convincing them to allow me to partake in this wonderful opportunity. :3

Rehearsal after rehearsal after rehearsal. Rehearsals lasted for roughly 2 hours, normally it goes on to 2 and a half, and we had about 6 sessions in total. 5 choreographies in total, and I had to learn 4 of those. We were mostly split into two groups, one of which was mostly all guys, and the other mostly all girls. The remaining dance routine which I did not do was more of a sexier one, involving a lot of getting down on the floor and doing sexy moves, and the routine I was doing was more of, to put it simply, very fun and playful. No surprise about the choreo I was doing as it's fun and playful, and come on, it's a dance to Party Rock Anthem! Shuffle shuffle shuffle. Shuffle all day, everyday. 

It was fun and good experience, learning and cramming so many different routines into my head. However at one point I started to feel extremely stressed because not only did I have to remember 4 routines for the performance, but I had to remember 3 more for my dance classes! I may be above average for memorizing diagrams and information for Biology and case studies for Geography, but this is definitely something else. And with me being me, I started to panic for a while and I got tons of stuff mixed up. After talking to a couple of my friends who were also in some of my dance classes, they helped calm me down and went through the steps for the performance and for the classes with me again, and aided me in the parts of the routine which I couldn't get the hang of. And because of that, I just want to do a quick shoutout to Sean, Michelle, Mae, Olivia, Tania, Coffee and Huey Wern! Thank you all so much for helping me out constantly with the dance steps. And thank you for dealing with me bugging you constantly with questions about the routines as well. Hehe love you guys  y'all are the best! 

Oh, I forgot to mention. The flash mob was to celebrate Festival Mall's 2nd year anniversary! Happy 2nd birthday to you, Festival Mall :) It was an utterly wonderful and exhilarating performance. Sure, I heard that there were people who messed up a little bit during the actual performance, but in the end we all still looked pretty good out there! I think. Ehehe. 

Okaaaaaay confession time. I messed up too. But only a small part! I've told this to so many people already haha but seriously. This just pisses me off so much. Out of all the times my foot had to act all weird, it was then and there. During the final routine, my ankle decided to go all twisted and shit and it hurt like a total bitch at that moment. Obviously the pain from that was reflected on my face but hopefully it wasn't too obvious? And of course, the dance had to go on so I just sucked it up and hope the pain won't come back until the performance ended. 

So that's it! Flash mob done! :) Like I said earlier it was a wonderful experience, getting to dance with such amazing dancers and make new friends, and also it's a good way to improve oneself in the way of dance! Okay that last bit probably sounds kind of weird but I don't know how else to put it. I'm constantly striving to improve myself as a dancer and performing in this flash mob certainly helps me learn. And it does help that Alice, who is the headmistress of the dance school, gave me constructive feedback on how I should improve myself as a dancer! This is, without a doubt, one of the highlights of my 6 month break. #blessed

I will post the video of the performance when it is uploaded, but for now here are some pictures from the day itself :)

From left to right:
Huey Wern, Olivia, Tania, me and Michelle.
Oh and LOL my sweat towel just casually hanging by my shoulder.

The amazing Coffee and I! :) Coffee's her nickname by the way. She is insanely cool. I look like shit here but whatever. It's a picture with Coffee! :D

Unfortunately I didn't manage to get a picture with Mae and Sean on the day itself :( everyone was everywhere and egad! Oh well. I will try and get a photo with them the next time I see them (which is during class next week lol). Hopefully they won't mind. Teehee.