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Why hello there, my name is Aaron and welcome to my blog :) This is the place where I share all of my fondest memories with you and also the place where I rant out all the emotions I get flooded with daily.

Bucket List
  Get accepted by a university
  Attend university
  Survive A Levels
  Meet Gin Lam and attend her classes
  Meet Ellen Kim and attend her classes
  Go for Urban Dance Camp at least once
  Bungee Jumping
  Diving in the Maldives
  Attend the Ellen DeGeneres show!
  Meet Ailee
  Meet Beyonce
  Make my own YouTube Channel
  Diving in the Maldives
  Walk along a pristine beach with a loved one
  Be in a long lasting, stable relationship
  Get a Charm Bracelet
  Purchase the full set of The New 52 Batgirl Comics
  Purchase the full set of The New 52 Wonder Woman Comics


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· Another Sem.
· Blah bloop blah bloop.
· Motivation
· Rock it 'til waterfalls.
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· ☮ First ever YouTube video!
· ♔ My wonderful time in Melbourne (Final Post)
· Hi.
· ♔ My wonderful time in Melbourne (Part 3)

HeForShe - Gender Equality.
Tuesday 23 September 2014 | Posted by Aaron | 0 comment/s
If you haven't watched this already.. please do. Emma Watson recently gave a speech at the UN regarding the He For She movement for gender equality. Not only does this speech talk about taking action against all forms of violence and discrimination faced by women and girls, but also about freedom for both sexes. Gender equality is an issue for men as well. Men don't have the benefits of equality either, as men are also imprisoned by gender stereotypes. As Emma said, if men don't have to be aggressive in order to be accepted, then women won't feel compelled to be submissive. If men don't have to control, women don't have to be controlled. Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive and strong. Gender should instead be perceived as a spectrum, instead of being viewed as two sets of opposing ideals.

I am a feminist. And I am PROUD to call myself one.

"Feminism, by definition, is the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes."

Good job, Harry Potter girl.

If you want to show support for the He For She movement, just click on the link below and follow the instructions on the website :)