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Why hello there, my name is Aaron and welcome to my blog :) This is the place where I share all of my fondest memories with you and also the place where I rant out all the emotions I get flooded with daily.

Bucket List
  Get accepted by a university
  Attend university
  Survive A Levels
  Meet Gin Lam and attend her classes
  Meet Ellen Kim and attend her classes
  Go for Urban Dance Camp at least once
  Bungee Jumping
  Diving in the Maldives
  Attend the Ellen DeGeneres show!
  Meet Ailee
  Meet Beyonce
  Make my own YouTube Channel
  Diving in the Maldives
  Walk along a pristine beach with a loved one
  Be in a long lasting, stable relationship
  Get a Charm Bracelet
  Purchase the full set of The New 52 Batgirl Comics
  Purchase the full set of The New 52 Wonder Woman Comics


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· ♔ My wonderful time in Melbourne (Part 2)
· ♔ My wonderful time in Melbourne (Part 1)
· ♔ My wonderful photos from Brisbane.
· My wonderful time in Brisbane.
· A short follow up to the inconsequential post.
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♔ My wonderful time in Melbourne (Part 3)
Tuesday 3 September 2013 | Posted by Aaron | 0 comment/s
Day 7
Spent quality time with the family friends going around the place, and we spent the majority of our day exploring Chadstone Mall, a.k.a Chaddy! The mall was huge. Wow. Like it's not high but its like, really wide and spread out over a large area. It has a large surface area lolol. After the mall excursion, we went to their church for some sermons and stuff (: pretty chilled day if you ask me. 

We were having tea at this place called Koko Black in Chaddy. 

Raspberry Chocolate Dome!

Salted Caramel Délice!


Just a bunch of photos of us fooling around with the self camera function. Lol. 

Lol we are such camwhores :P

Happy happy!

Yeah, so we were camwhoring outside their house. We're cool like that. 

Day 8
Twas my last day staying over at Sharisse and Shannen's place :( We were moving into the city and staying in a hotel so we can have a closer look around the area and check out some places for me to stay. Shannen, Sharisse and I took the train to Melbourne central, because we were going to pay the University of Melbourne a visit. It was their open day, so we were all pumped up and ready to have a look inside the university itself.. and to get some freebies TEEHEE. SORRY AHAHAHA it's a perk for going to Mel-U! I mean I went there because I wanted to learn more about the courses I'm thinking of applying to and about the university itself, but when Shannen said something about freebies, my mind kind of clicked into thinking "OMG FREEBIES I WANT SOME TOO GIVE ME SOME PLEASE. OVER HERE I'M A VISITOR GIVE ME SOME FREEBIES MEEEEP." Trololol. So yeah our mission plan kind of went like this:

1. Go to each area designated to each faculty - commerce, science, arts. 
2. Ask as many questions to each faculty member who is in charge of the subject I'm thinking of majoring in - psychology, econs, immunology, biology.
3. Try and obtain information about student accommodation.
4. Collect as many freebies as you can.

Anyway, I'm extremely elated Shannen and Sharisse decided to tag along with me because I would've been such a loner if I went for the open day alone. 

A photo of us on the train to Melbourne Central!

The University of Melbourne has a huge campus. Not to say UQ has a small campus, both campuses are really big, but the fact that Mel-U has it's campus integrated into a city.. wow. It's huge. I got lost there.. lol. Thank goodness for the maps they provided and the ones I downloaded. I absolutely loved Mel-U, and safe to say, Mel-U is my number 1 choice for university after that trip. I cannot wait to start! Just thinking about it makes me itch lol. Itch as in itch to start work and studying.. wow. What the heck did I just say haha. I guess 2 months of not having to do anything has taken it's toll on me. 2 months down, 6 to go. LOL. Yes, I have about 8 months off. Don't judge me kay. I graduated in July, and if I had to enter uni, I had the choice of either entering in July or February the next year. I wanted a break after A levels, so I took the option of having about 7-8 months off? I kind of regret it in a way. But seriously, after A levels you would definitely want to have a couple months off. This is just too much though, maybe cause I'm kind of a workaholic sort of guy. Anyway, the open day really opened up my mind (lol sorry I can't think of another word right now) about the number of choices I have for signing up for the Bachelor of Science! I can still major in Psychology, which is what I really want to do, or if I end up not really liking it, I can always fall back on good ol' biology to back me up. Hahaha. Biology as in probably major in immunology or something like that. 

Anyho, after saying goodbye to Shannen, Sharisse, Aunty Su and Uncle Sunny, I met up with some friends after the open day. Guess who? Lol I bet you don't even know them but.. yeah. My besties Esther and Michelle! Yayyyy! :D Omg when I came out of the seminar for international student applying to Mel-U, Esther was outside waiting for me! I was overwhelmed with joy and happiness when I saw her. Lol sounds exaggerated but I don't think I am. It's been ages since I last saw Esther and since she's going to be my senior next year (yeah she studies in Mel-U, she's totes gonna bully me when I start next year lol) I'm freaking excited! Esther always posts up pictures of her food adventures in Melbourne and tells me really cool stuff about the uni so yeah. Can't wait to start! Esther, if you're reading this, umm.. hi. HAHAHA. Hello Esther. Sup. How ya doing todayyyyyyy. Hahaha see I can't contain my excitement. Omg it's going to be amazing how Esther and I will be schoolmates again! Hahahaha YES. 

We both look kind of funny here but oh well. We took this right outside the Elisabeth Murdoch hall whilst speed-walking to catch the tram to Melbourne Central ahaha. 

Okay ANYWAY, I met up with Esther outside the Elisabeth Murdoch hall, and we met up with Mitty (Michelle) in front of Melbourne Central. We went for brunch at this place whose name I have conveniently forgotten but it was an indubitably delectable brunch. We got lost on the way to the restaurant but I can tell you, the food was definitely worth the walk ahaha. Yum yum goes my tummy. After brunch, we just wandered around Melbourne, did a little shopping and we had tea at Max Brenners! NEVER HAVE THE SALTED CARAMEL CHOCOLATE DRINK. LIKE SERIOUSLY. Unless if you have a sweet tooth, DON'T TAKE IT. It was incredibly sweet. I couldn't take it. After a few sips it felt like I was going to disintegrate into nothingness due to the pure sweetness of the concoction. I couldn't finish it. Lol. I managed to down about 3/4 of the cup, and after that my stomach couldn't take no more. Anyway, Esther finally introduced me to one of her Melbourne besties, Gigi! I have heard so much about Gigi from Esther, especially from her Instagram pictures haha. They always go on food adventures together, hence when I get my ass to Melbourne, I demand I be brought along their fabulous food adventures.  

Just a bunch of photos of our food and drinks at the lovely restaurant after a grievously long walk.


Yeah, yeah. We are total camwhores. Well I am a huge one, but whatever. Be glad I didn't post up the 20+ photos of us camwhoring to the max and trying to get the best angle haha. 
