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Why hello there, my name is Aaron and welcome to my blog :) This is the place where I share all of my fondest memories with you and also the place where I rant out all the emotions I get flooded with daily.

Bucket List
  Get accepted by a university
  Attend university
  Survive A Levels
  Meet Gin Lam and attend her classes
  Meet Ellen Kim and attend her classes
  Go for Urban Dance Camp at least once
  Bungee Jumping
  Diving in the Maldives
  Attend the Ellen DeGeneres show!
  Meet Ailee
  Meet Beyonce
  Make my own YouTube Channel
  Diving in the Maldives
  Walk along a pristine beach with a loved one
  Be in a long lasting, stable relationship
  Get a Charm Bracelet
  Purchase the full set of The New 52 Batgirl Comics
  Purchase the full set of The New 52 Wonder Woman Comics


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· ☮ First ever YouTube video!
· ♔ My wonderful time in Melbourne (Final Post)
· Hi.
· ♔ My wonderful time in Melbourne (Part 3)
· ♔ My wonderful time in Melbourne (Part 2)
· ♔ My wonderful time in Melbourne (Part 1)
· ♔ My wonderful photos from Brisbane.
· My wonderful time in Brisbane.
· A short follow up to the inconsequential post.

Quick update.
Sunday 23 March 2014 | Posted by Aaron | 0 comment/s
So. I haven't been keeping my word of updating my blog frequently. Hehe. My bad. 

Well, to summarize the events that happened in my life since my last post:

1) Got a job at H&M as a Sales Advisor. Great experience working there, got to work with amazing people and made tons of new friends, learnt quite a number of skills (in terms of interacting with strangers i.e. customer service) and I got to earn money as well! Yay me!

2) Took up not just 1 or 2, but 3 dance classes teaching different styles at my dance school in Malaysia - my normal New School Hip Hop/LA Style class, Street Jazz aaaaand Waacking! Totally worth it. Really felt like I've grown a lot in the past few months as a dancer thanks to my lovely dance instructors. <3

3) Hung out tons with friends! Mitty, Cicak, Esther, Ming, Ling, Yoshie and many many more. If I list out the number of people who came back from overseas who I hung out with, it would take up at least half an A4 page. Lol that's an exaggeration but I did hang out with tons of people. Anyway, Cicak (Nicole) went off to Canada in late December last year, sniff sniff. Ming went off to Brisbane as well. Bye bye friends! ;( But it's cool cause we still keep in touch and Skype. We've started a new chapter of our lives guys! Let's make the most out of this experience. Teehee. 

4) Did I mention I was accepted into the University of Melbourne for the Bachelor of Science course? WOOT WOOT! :D

5) Went to Singapore for a short holiday with Mitty and Esther. Tons and tons of fun. Shopping, Universal Studios, dance, food and MORE SHOPPING. Hurrah! Oh and can I just say I FINALLY MANAGED TO ATTEND GIN LAM'S DANCE CLASS. I'll post a video in my next post or something, but it's quite a short clip, but I still danced with Gin! The dancer who I saw on YouTube who started inspiring me to become a better dancer. She was the one who started the spark, and my other dance teachers (Adam, Maybelline, Lydia) helped make the spark transition into a bonfire of passion for dance! 

Well that pretty much sums up the past few months. I am currently in Melbourne, I moved here in mid-Feb. Settled in, said bye bye to mama and papa bear, and I am now living independently! Really miss my parents, especially whenever it's late at night and when I'm alone. It's okay though, not too bad cause we have a WhatsApp family chat and we constantly send pictures and we FaceTime too! So the nagging is still there, it's just that we're like thousands of miles apart. Lolol. 

I've made quite a few friends here already, some I've met in O-week (Orientation), whereas some are my friend's friends and some I've met when I last came to Melbourne! Mitty comes over now and then to visit me, super nice of her to do so <3 I hang out quite a lot with Esther, and my relatively new friends Gigi, Zheng Yang, Ting Nee, Kathy and Tihani! I've also met up with a long lost classmate as well from GIS, Zharif! He left in like.. Year 8 or Year 9, I forgot which year but yeah. He left quite a while ago and I bumped into him in Melbourne Central and we were like OMG HAAAAYYYYYY. So yeah. Rekindling long lost friendships!

Did I mention Yoshie's in Melbourne as well? She decided to stay in Urbanest with me! Btdubs Urbanest is the student accommodation I'm staying in. I'm staying in a studio apartment hehe. She's staying on a different floor though, and even though we go to different universities and have different timetables, we still find time to have dinner and meet up with each other now and then! It's super good to have someone as cool as Yoshie stay so near me. Well, more like a few floors below me but yeah. I can totally just call her or go and visit her whenever she's home. 

I've joined quite a few societies/clubs/organisations/groups - whatever you want to call it. Super fun, met so many people. Made friends in my lectures and tutorials as well! Oh, I'm in week 4 for uni starting on the 24th of March, which is this coming Monday. Which is today. Yikes, time sure does fly. 

So far, university has been treating me well. Like I said, I've made quite a few friends, everyone's super nice, super good stuff. Only down side though, is the pace in which lecturers, well, lecture! I swear my hand starts weirding after lectures cause it's just non-stop note taking! I have to say many many thanks to Ms McGregor and Mr Fernandes - my biology teachers from GIS - for teaching biology so well to me. Cause what you taught me in A2, is pretty much what they're teaching us for biology right now. It's only because of you, that I can understand what is going on during my biology lectures haha. 

Oh, totes forgot to mention what subjects I'm doing for this semester - Psychology, Biology, Classical Mythology and Criminology. All the "-ologies". Lolol. And yes, I'm taking 2 non-science subjects (breadth subjects) this semester. I'm doing it cause I can. Yep. Peace. 

Adam (one of my dance teachers, he's a super cool and amazing guy) recommended a dance studio in Melbourne to me when I told him I was going to start studying here. It's called Passion Studios, and it is AMAZING. Love it so much, thank you for recommending it to me. I'm having a blast learning dance here. It's such a good way to de-stress myself from university and just temporarily lose myself in dance and forget about the problems of the world and whatnot. Did I mention my dance studio is legit one block away from my apartment? Oh and my university as well. Convenient much? ;D  

Many many thanks to Michelle, Esther, Gigi, Zheng Yang, Ting Nee, Yoshie, Kathy, Zharif and Tihani for helping me adjust to the Melbourne lifestyle. They really help ease away the feeling of homesickness that has been constantly bugging me, and it's getting better. Thank you my lovely friends, for including/inviting me to join you for brunches, lunches, dinners, to cook and hang with you guys, for showing me where to get really yummy food, for treating me so well, thank you so much. You have no idea how much it means to me. It might not be obvious, but it means a lot to me. I know I can be super duper annoying, I can talk for ages and not stop and totally bore the crap out of you, my kitchen skills might not be up to scratch (it is getting there though, hehe), basically just tolerating my entire existence. I've found a family away from home. I mean Michelle and Esther and Yoshie were already family cause we've been friends for ages, but to everyone who I've met and become closer to in Melbourne - thank you friends, for everything. What would I ever do without you. :) Here's to more of me constantly bugging you for attention and to me constantly hanging out with you!

Oh and I need to thank Esther, Gigi, Zheng Yang, Ting Nee and Kathy for taking care of me when I was sick. Yes, I fell sick in my second week of uni, with a fever and headaches and coughing and sneezing and a sore throat. Thank you for taking care of me, cooking yummy and healthy food for me when I was sick, basically just taking such good care of me. Thank you so so so much. <3

Anyway, that's my super duper long summary of what's been going on with my life. I'm pretty sure I've made quite a number of grammatical errors above, apologies for that. I am blogging at 12.40am and I have a Biology workshop at 9am, so yeah. I couldn't sleep, hence I'm blogging. Yeah yeah, excuses, I know. But yeah I figured I might as well do something slightly productive since I can't really sleep! This summary might be quite boring but yes, it's still an update, so I'm proud of myself for finally updating my blog. At 12.42am. Lol. 

Okaaaay, time to wash my face and brush my teeth and try to get some shut-eye. Toodles for now my friends! :)