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Why hello there, my name is Aaron and welcome to my blog :) This is the place where I share all of my fondest memories with you and also the place where I rant out all the emotions I get flooded with daily.

Bucket List
  Get accepted by a university
  Attend university
  Survive A Levels
  Meet Gin Lam and attend her classes
  Meet Ellen Kim and attend her classes
  Go for Urban Dance Camp at least once
  Bungee Jumping
  Diving in the Maldives
  Attend the Ellen DeGeneres show!
  Meet Ailee
  Meet Beyonce
  Make my own YouTube Channel
  Diving in the Maldives
  Walk along a pristine beach with a loved one
  Be in a long lasting, stable relationship
  Get a Charm Bracelet
  Purchase the full set of The New 52 Batgirl Comics
  Purchase the full set of The New 52 Wonder Woman Comics


Ask me anything :)

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Recent Posts
· Motivation
· Rock it 'til waterfalls.
· Quick update.
· :]
· ☮ First ever YouTube video!
· ♔ My wonderful time in Melbourne (Final Post)
· Hi.
· ♔ My wonderful time in Melbourne (Part 3)
· ♔ My wonderful time in Melbourne (Part 2)
· ♔ My wonderful time in Melbourne (Part 1)

Blah bloop blah bloop.
Tuesday 8 July 2014 | Posted by Aaron | 0 comment/s
Should probably write about something soon, this blog is collecting dust. :(
Hmm, what is there to write about though?

First semester at Melbourne Uni done and dusted! Super happy that I survived all the assignments and the workload I got. I got pretty decent results :) One H2A and 3 H2Bs! They definitely are not H1s but I'm happy with it, and that's what matters right? 

Considering I took 2 arts as breadth subjects last semester (Classical Mythology and Criminology) along with 2 science subjects (Psychology and Biology), semester 2 is going to be a lot harder. I'm taking such Asian subjects next semester.. ugh. Living the Asian life haha. :p well Psychology is not that much of an 'Asian' subject, but along with that I'll be doing Microeconomics, Data Analysis and Biology (again). From what my seniors have told me, Data Analysis is a really dry and hard subject, this semester of Biology will be focusing a lot on Genetics and Evolution (more stats yay) and Psych will have a lot more stats and lab reports as well.. so pretty much next semester is going to be statistics-heavy... yay me. *goes and cries in a corner*

Along with those, there's also Flare Dance Ensemble's annual production to prepare for. Yes, I actually did join clubs and societies from my university and I am actually quite active in some of them.. particularly Flare, because, well, dance. HAHAHA. I'm in 4 production pieces, and I don't want to sound like I'm bragging or anything, but some people have told me that they were surprised since I was a first year and I'm doing 4 pieces! I guess this shows I'm gradually improving and growing as a dancer, and I'm definitely happy about that! Thank you Tash, Deb + Jay, Daniel and Jenn for selecting me to be in your pieces! I will work hard and I won't let you down! I'm actually extremely surprised I managed to get into Jenn's Modern piece, considering I've never done any Modern dance before.. this just means I need to work extra hard for this (which I already am haha). THANK YOU JENNMAMA <33333 

So yeah semester 2 is going to be freaking busy. I'm reaaaaally looking forward to going back to Melbourne. Being back in Malaysia and meeting up with everyone who's coming back from all over the world is nice, but I miss my Melbourne family too.. aaagh I'm torn between two groups :( I cri evrytaime haha. 

I've been saying this in pretty much every single recent post, but I will try to update this blog more often since I'm on holiday! I have quite a few rants and somewhat 'inspirational' posts I want to write and share with everyone so umm, yeah. Stay tuned!
