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Why hello there, my name is Aaron and welcome to my blog :) This is the place where I share all of my fondest memories with you and also the place where I rant out all the emotions I get flooded with daily.

Bucket List
  Get accepted by a university
  Attend university
  Survive A Levels
  Meet Gin Lam and attend her classes
  Meet Ellen Kim and attend her classes
  Go for Urban Dance Camp at least once
  Bungee Jumping
  Diving in the Maldives
  Attend the Ellen DeGeneres show!
  Meet Ailee
  Meet Beyonce
  Make my own YouTube Channel
  Diving in the Maldives
  Walk along a pristine beach with a loved one
  Be in a long lasting, stable relationship
  Get a Charm Bracelet
  Purchase the full set of The New 52 Batgirl Comics
  Purchase the full set of The New 52 Wonder Woman Comics


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My wonderful time in Brisbane.
Monday 2 September 2013 | Posted by Aaron | 0 comment/s
With me feeling a tad bit lazy, I've been putting off writing about my trip to Brisbane and Melbourne. I have finally mustered up some willpower to shrug away my laziness, and start writing about my trip to Australia. 

I flew to Brisbane on the 10th of August. Thanks to the points my dad has been saving up, he redeemed 3 business class tickets for the flight to Brisbane! Simply amazing. The lounge in KLIA was pretty good, with above-average quality food served at the buffet and even the food served during the flight was surprisingly yummy. Unfortunately I didn't manage to take pictures of the food served during the flight due to my ravenous hunger and impatience to eat, but I did take a couple of photos (more like 2) of the lounge and the view outside the plane. 

I arrived in Brisbane at around 8pm, and reached the hotel around 9pm. My parents and I were feeling slightly famished, so we went for a little walk around the area to scout for some restaurants. We were quite surprised to find out that.. everything was closed! About every single restaurant and shop we walked by was closed, excluding the bars and clubs and 7-11 marts. We had our first meal in Brisbane in 7-11, which consisted of instant noodles, mac & cheese, bananas and crisps. 

Day 1
On the following day, we went to explore the area around the hotel. This time, shops were open as we went out around 12pm.. lol. All three of us slept in like a boss. Anyway, we spent the majority of our day in Queen Street Mall, which is a pretty nice mall to hang around if you're in Brisbane! Oh, an advice to my fellow asians who are used to the 'asian' serving portions. Please, do not, and I mean, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, and that means no matter how hungry you are, order as much food as you normally order in your home country in a foreign, western country. The portions are HUGE. My parents and I ordered the normal amount we would order, maybe a little more because we were quite hungry and it was our first meal of the day, and we certainly did not expect to be served such a large amount of food. Even when we were ordering, the waiter was giving us the 'are you sure you can finish this' look. I merely shrugged it off, and meh. Look at where it got us. Unable to finish our meal. Anyway, after our brunch we just hung around the mall, did some souvenir shopping and took some pretty pictures. Unfortunately, the majority of the shops close at around 5-6pm so it was kind of a bummer we couldn't finish exploring the mall. Even though our shopping escapade was cut short, it was still a lovely day in Brisbane, and a day well spent. :)

Day 2
We headed over to the University of Queensland (UQ for short) for a tour around the St. Lucia campus. I arranged a campus tour with a staff member called Majella, who was kind enough to arrange a tour for my family and I. A student ambassador, Sheila, brought us around the campus and answered every single question we threw at her. She was super informative and super friendly, not to mention super helpful! She was bringing me around the campus and telling me the tips and tricks of being a UQ student, and what clubs I should totally sign up for, best places to eat in UQ, etc etc. Gold star for you Sheila, for being an awfully amazing student ambassador and friendly guide. Oh and another amazing thing about Sheila, is that she can take really good photos! Like I just ask her whether she can help me take a photo at this spot, and she was like yeah sure, and snap goes the camera. And I look at the picture she took and wow. My guess is that she has had a lot of practice whilst giving people a tour around UQ. Hahaha. 

Anyway, after spending a couple of hours in UQ, we headed back to the city. Guess where we went? Yeap. We went back to Queen Street Mall. Lol. Hey, it's a nice place to walk around okay? And we didn't exactly finish exploring the whole mall on the first day haha. 

Day 3
We went to the airport to catch our flight to Melbourne. 

Lol nothing interesting went on in Day 3, we just went to get some breakfast in the area and went to the airport after spending another hour in Queen Street Mall. That mall is totes my number one hangout place in Brisbane ahah :p

Oh, and we spent like a couple of hours walking around Melbourne, we stayed with a family friend there so they were just bringing us around on that day. The Melbourne part of the trip will be covered in part 2, so stay tuned! :)