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Why hello there, my name is Aaron and welcome to my blog :) This is the place where I share all of my fondest memories with you and also the place where I rant out all the emotions I get flooded with daily.

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  Get accepted by a university
  Attend university
  Survive A Levels
  Meet Gin Lam and attend her classes
  Meet Ellen Kim and attend her classes
  Go for Urban Dance Camp at least once
  Bungee Jumping
  Diving in the Maldives
  Attend the Ellen DeGeneres show!
  Meet Ailee
  Meet Beyonce
  Make my own YouTube Channel
  Diving in the Maldives
  Walk along a pristine beach with a loved one
  Be in a long lasting, stable relationship
  Get a Charm Bracelet
  Purchase the full set of The New 52 Batgirl Comics
  Purchase the full set of The New 52 Wonder Woman Comics


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Selamat Hari Raya!
Friday 9 August 2013 | Posted by Aaron | 0 comment/s
So yesterday was the first day of Eid al-Fitr, also known in Malaysia as Hari Raya. I was invited to Nazzura's open house. She is honestly one of the funniest people I have ever met. Her sense of humor is astounding, no sarcasm intended. She is one of the people who is guaranteed to turn my frown upside down! And she has been one of my closest friends since Year 10 :) and it's also amazing how we kept in touch even when she left to the UK, so I guess sometimes long distance friendships do work!

Anyway, yeah. So she invited me to her open house, which was from 1-4pm. I reached there about 1.15pm? Her house is HUGE. Like honestly, the moment I stepped in I was lost. It didn't help that there was several security guards outside, and one with a shotgun standing guard at the gate, meh. I got freaked out so bad lol. Anyway, after spending a couple of minutes wandering around, I finally found the path to the tents where the feast was being held! I mean, you couldn't really miss it but if one was as obfuscated and blur as I was, you would take that amount of time to find it too. I was shocked at the scale of it! The number of people who were there already, and there was still a continuous influx of people! Nazz later explained that every single one of her family members invited their friends, colleagues and relatives to the party, and they came in batches? Like my batch was from 1-4pm, and there was one earlier I think? And another batch after mine. Food was continuously being cooked, and according to Nazz, there was an estimated number of 600 guests (possibly more) who were on the guest list. It didn't include the guest's family members who were invited too, so I was like.. wow. They had so much food, and food was also being cooked right in front of you! It was like a buffet style arrangement, and I swear I bumped into so many people I wouldn't expect to bump into. 

The food, oh my goodness. It was incredibly yummy! I particularly liked the satay and the lamb :3 it was omnomnom-licious. I didn't eat as much as I wanted to though, because I had a late brunch :( nevertheless, I still managed to stuff myself, and I even made some new friends! Nazz introduced me to her mom, her cousins, her friends, and other family members. There was this point in time when Nazz was called to greet someone, and I was with Nadzmi (her cousin) and his friend Danial. Then, Nadzmi was called away when Nazz came back because he had to greet more people as well, so I was just sitting there with Danial and Nazz with one of the most awkward silences I have ever experienced. We managed to break the ice though, and talked for a bit. And again, one of the most embarrassing moments happened to me then again. Being a geography student, you would expect me to know the location of places well, especially when it's a well known state such as Florida right? Well, YOU'RE WRONG. Basically, that part of the conversation went like this:

Danial: Yeah so I'm going to a boarding school in Florida :)
Me: Oh, wow that sounds so cool!

*moment of silence*

Me: Wait is that in California?

FACEPALM. What is life. Oh, and I made it even worse, as the conversation continued:

Danial: Huh? Oh nono, Florida is on the East coast and California on the West. 
Me: Oh.. so California is on the East and Florida on the West, right I see. 
Nazz: Oh my goodness Aaron! HAHAHAHA. 

I probably looked like such an idiot. Like, an even bigger idiot than usual. Meh. 

After coming off as a total idiot and finishing the meal, we started to split off as different groups of friends arrived? Cheng Yee came about an hour later, and Nazlin about almost an hour after Cheng arrived? Oh and Alisya came like 40 minutes after Nazlin arrived, so yeah. HAHAHA. I guess I was early then. Anyway, we had a jolly good time catching up about school, and what we've been up to during the holidays so far, freaking out for our results, and yeah. We took quite a number of photos! Unfortunately, Nazz kept on being called away so I managed to get two on my phone with her :( the rest are on Nazlin's camera haha. 

Anyway, I left at around 4.15, and I went home for about an hour and a half. I cleaned up, blogged about the day before, and I had to rush off to Tropicana City Mall to meet up with Don, Ming and Akash for a movie. Wow, I'm so popular right? Jokes. Anyway, we had Japanese food for dins, and we went on to watch Percy Jackson - The Sea of Monsters. Woot woot. I'm honestly a huge fan of Percy Jackson, and I was absolutely stoked when I found out they were making a movie from the books! Unfortunately, I didn't exactly like the first movie because it kind of deviated from the book in the sense that it changed some stuff? I was hoping that this time it wouldn't deviate so much, but it still did haha. Nevertheless I still enjoyed the movie, and in terms of a movie, it was pretty amazing. However, if you've read the book, then.. you might be in for a slight disappointment. But at least the movie was good right? The acting from Logan Lerman (Percy), Alexandra Daddario (Annabeth) and Brandon Jackson (Grover) was really, really good! They portrayed their characters really well and I really like their acting :D The other actors and actresses in the movie also did an astounding job at portraying their characters, but I just wanted to give a special mention to my three favourite ones :3 ehehe. 

T'was a really long day, but it was without a doubt, a day well spent. 
