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Why hello there, my name is Aaron and welcome to my blog :) This is the place where I share all of my fondest memories with you and also the place where I rant out all the emotions I get flooded with daily.

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  Walk along a pristine beach with a loved one
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  Purchase the full set of The New 52 Batgirl Comics
  Purchase the full set of The New 52 Wonder Woman Comics


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Time to shop!
Sunday 4 August 2013 | Posted by Aaron | 0 comment/s
It's been at least 2 years since we've started planning for a shopping outing, but Ming and I have continuously failed no matter how hard we tried to make it happen. However, about 2 nights ago, a spontaneous comment by Ming about how we should totally go shopping actually made this long overdue outing happen! Thank goodness we went out because even though my wardrobe has been restocked with some clothes from Korea, I am still missing some essentials which are necessary to pull off a complete fashionable look. 

We arrived at Pavillion at around 10.30am? Which is considered quite early because most of the shops are just starting to open. We had brunch at this restaurant called "The Loaf", and I have to say... the food is definitely not worth its price. The serving portions are definitely huge, which kind of makes up for it, but I'm the kind of person who prefers quality, especially since our meal totalled up to about RM46 each. We shared a bowl of mushroom soup and we each ordered a plate of Carbonara pasta. Sounds little right? WELL YOU'RE WRONG! TOTALLY WRONG! Half of the mushroom soup serving is actually how much a normal restaurant serves for a single portion of soup, and the pasta, OH MY GOD. I CAN'T EVEN. I mean, it wasn't that bad but it was just really thick and incredibly filling, I seriously couldn't finish it. I absolutely HATE wasting food but seriously, it was just way too much for me to handle. According to Ming, apparently I looked like as if I was about to puke at one point, which is kind of true now that I think about it. We were bloated to the max, and we actually couldn't move for awhile after we 'finished' our meal. 

H&M was our first destination after our brunch. Ming and I split up as she went to look for her stuff whilst I went to look for mine. It was quite funny because the way we discussed our outfits was via whatsapp - we would send pictures of ourselves to each other, dressed up in the clothes we were contemplating on purchasing. I bought 3 pieces of clothing - a pair of jet black trousers, a black hoodie and a denim vest. I actually chose a lot more clothing, but considering my budget.. Meh. I'm actually quite happy with my purchases because those are kind of the stuff I was aiming to get :D nothing more, nothing less. 

After our spending spree at H&M, we ventured to Forever 21, and they actually have a guy's section in Pavi! I'm so amazed. But to be honest, the guy's section didn't exactly appeal to me. So instead, I ditched Ming and went off to Cotton On, where I bought 2 graphic tees. I seriously love the designs, like oh em gee. I only wish I could buy more but sadly, I am on a limited budget. :'(

As Ming went off to MNG, I made my way to the DC Comic store, which is I think located on the 4th floor? OMG. That store = AMAZING. Well coming from someone like me, who absolutely loves those DC Comic adventures, it was like heaven to me. The one thing which really made me feel quite despondent is.. WHY IS EVERYTHING SO BLOODY EXPENSIVE. LIKE SERIOUSLY. I actually saw quite a number of things I wanted to get, but everything was so overpriced and so freaking expensive I kind of just disintegrated into nothingness. It pains me to not be able to purchase some of the really nice things there, but oh well! That's life. 

After rendezvousing with Ming, who brought some of her friends (Tom, Abdul and Joshua) to this little shopping party, she told me what she bought whilst I was off ogling at the clothes in the DC Comic store. And seriously, without me there, the girl has no self control whatsoever. Impulse buying takes over her logical mindset and she just buys and buys and buys. Facepalm. Anyway we went over to Haagen Daz to get some ice cream for tea :D 

After we were done with ice cream, Tom taught Ming and I how to use the MRT. Yes, that sounds really lame. How can an individual who has stayed in a country for so long, not know how to use the MRT right? Well, I actually used to take the LRT with my parents but that was like light years ago, and well.. Meh. I guess that ain't really an excuse for not actually learning how to use the MRT. Well, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Yes, it was pretty cramped and it was a very sweaty experience, but yeah guys, after about a decade, I've finally started to use the Malaysian public transport system again! YAY. I have actually used subways and other modes of public transportation in OTHER countries, such as Korea, where I spent about 9 days using the subway as the only form of transportation, so yeah I'm not a spoilt brat kayy. I do know how to use it! It's just.. I don't really feel obliged to use the Malaysian one cause I keep on hearing news about people getting pickpocketed and robbed and kidnapped at these stations frequently, so yeah :[ 

So yeah. Today was a pretty good day, I bought some of my essentials, got to spend some quality time with Ming and meet some new people! Oh and an utterly obvious conclusion I have made today is - the subway/train system in Korea is like 1000000x better than the train systems here in Malaysia. Its so much less dirty, and less cramped, and it just feels way more organized you know? Everything runs so smoothly and I actually miss using the subways in Seoul :[