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Why hello there, my name is Aaron and welcome to my blog :) This is the place where I share all of my fondest memories with you and also the place where I rant out all the emotions I get flooded with daily.

Bucket List
  Get accepted by a university
  Attend university
  Survive A Levels
  Meet Gin Lam and attend her classes
  Meet Ellen Kim and attend her classes
  Go for Urban Dance Camp at least once
  Bungee Jumping
  Diving in the Maldives
  Attend the Ellen DeGeneres show!
  Meet Ailee
  Meet Beyonce
  Make my own YouTube Channel
  Diving in the Maldives
  Walk along a pristine beach with a loved one
  Be in a long lasting, stable relationship
  Get a Charm Bracelet
  Purchase the full set of The New 52 Batgirl Comics
  Purchase the full set of The New 52 Wonder Woman Comics


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· Back to back movie marathon!
· ♔ - Shopping time with Ming!
· Time to shop!
· ♔ - Farewell dinner with Ling
· A new chapter begins.
· Dearest friends,

♔ - Movie Marathon
Friday 9 August 2013 | Posted by Aaron | 0 comment/s
So these were the pictures taken during the outing two days ago! For the movie marathon thing haha. Pretty late post right? Well, my social life started to see some action after that very day, so yeah. Good stuff yo.

Credits to Ming. Unfortunately I was too busy eating to take a picture of my stuff too :(

Mint Chocolate nitrogen ice cream at Just Like It! Pretty cool stuff ;D get it? cool stuff? AHAHAHA why am I so lame.

Oh looky! Its my biffle and I :D

Group picture before we went to see Wolverine :D

FML. I don't even know why I agreed to watch this. Urgh. Good movie though, for all you horror movie fanatics out there!

Chicken Fingers at TGIF for dinner! This is indubitably one of the best chicken fingers I have ever tasted in my life so far, especially when dipped in honey mustard :D
