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Why hello there, my name is Aaron and welcome to my blog :) This is the place where I share all of my fondest memories with you and also the place where I rant out all the emotions I get flooded with daily.

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Back to back movie marathon!
Thursday 8 August 2013 | Posted by Aaron | 0 comment/s
After so long, I finally got the chance to go out and catch a couple of movies with my mates! Hahaha. Like seriously, it has been like a couple of weeks and considering its summer right now, my social life should've been more active than what it is right now. But anyway, I went out with Ming, Justin, Michelle and Tom to One Utama yesterday to hang out. So we met up for lunch at Sushi Zanmai, and I had some sort of udon soup thing, and it was pretty yummy (pictures will be posted later, so do not fret my friends). Ming was a total pig. Basically the conversation went something like this:

Ming: I'm ordering the soba, the sushi wrap and a large plate of sushi.
Me: Ming, are you sure? That's actually quite a lot you know.
Ming: Yeah, like I am so hungry right now, I can totally finish it all okay.
Me: Are you sure? Like seriously I don't think you can finish it.

So yeah. By the time she finished her soba, as I predicted, she was already complaining and saying she was feeling kind of full after finishing her noodles.. #itoldyouso. Moving on, we went to watch Wolverine after lunch! I quite like the movie actually, even though at certain scenes were quite predictable, because most action movies kind of have the same sort of.. style? Same plot? I have no idea how to describe it but it's just predictable! Predictable or not, I enjoyed the movie, and the short end of credits scene, seriously! How epic is that! I am now extremely excited and cannot wait for the next X-Men movie to be released :3

After Wolverine, we were actually meant to just chill and hang and stuff, but then we decided to travel to the other cinema in the mall to watch another movie. Guess what movie we decided to watch? Yeap. A horror movie. The Conjuring. Fml. Why. What is life. I cannot. Like honestly, I cannot stand horror movies. It's just.. so scary, hence it's called a horror movie! I have close to zero tolerance for it, but unfortunately, due to peer pressure, I watched the movie. We watched it in the Beanieplex, which was pretty cool but unfortunately pretty overpriced. You know what? I'm going to set a new rule for myself for horror movies. Like, I am so not watching horror movies with people who have higher tolerance and do not want to cuddle and scream with me, because I think I made a complete fool of myself in front of everyone who seemed to be super brave. You know what made it worse? Like, 'The Conjuring' was about the supernatural and like stuff being possessed and omg I couldn't. I CAN'T STAND HORROR MOVIES WHICH DEALS WITH STUFF LIKE THOSE. Like I'm not extremely religious, but the moment the movie brings out like demonic possession and exorcism, I start peeing in my pants. For about 80% of the movie, I had my hoodie covering most of my face, leaving out my left eye so I can somewhat see the screen (or half of it at least), and my left hand ready to cover my left eye in case anything pops out. The faces were SO CREEPY TO ME. LIKE SERIOUSLY. Whenever anything scary pops out, I just keep on thinking to myself "Oh my goodness, I cannot. I can't. I can't do this. Oh crap. I'm going to die. Crap. Fml." Okay I'm going to try to not spoil anything for anyone who wants to watch the movie and is reading this right now, but in my opinion, some of the faces and stuff are just plain creepy. I couldn't take it. I felt like running out of the cinema. Yes, I am that much of a wuss, got a problem? Lolol. 

Conclusion: NO MORE HORROR MOVIES UNTIL I CAN FIND SOMEONE I CAN CUDDLE WITH. Not necessarily in a couple-like fashion, but yeah. After the movie though, I didn't feel like, that scared? Because I think the movie is more like, you know, those sort of movies who shock you and scare you then and there, but it doesn't really linger in your mind for very long? So yeah. Overall it was definitely a better horror movie compared to the other ones I watched, but I still got scared shitless. 

After the freaky movie, we decided to go to TGIF to grab some dindin. And if you don't know what dindin is, it means dinner. Yeap, hipster lingo right there eh? I am totes super cool. Anyway, I ordered some Chicken Fingers :D it was pretty yummy! I absolutely, indubitably LOVE the chicken fingers from TGIF. Especially when its dipped in honey mustard. Absolutely delectable. Anyway, something incredibly hilarious happened in TGIF when we were eating dinner. I was talking to Tom about aerobics and how they used weights whilst exercising, whilst Ming was talking to Michelle and Justin about charm bracelets from Pandora and Thomas Sabo. So apparently, Ming was passing Michelle the phone, and Tom did some sort of aerobics move which resulted in Ming's phone being knocked out of her hand, flew past Justin and crashed, screen-first, to the floor. I was totally obfuscated, because, well, it's me, and I was also trying to eat something, but I heard a crash and I looked up, and I saw one of the most memorable facial expressions I have ever seen from Ming, like ever. Her eyes were like, HUGE. Do you know those photo editing applications you can download which can enlarge your eyes? Like Ming's eyes looked like as if they were freaking swollen and about to pop out from her face with her hand over her mouth, and Tom had this OH MY GOD WHAT DID I JUST DO face, so I was like huh? And I looked down, and I saw Ming's phone on the floor. Good job guys, good job. We were all pretty worried about Ming's phone cause normally iPhones aren't very durable, but fortunately nothing seems to be wrong with her phone :) 

T'was a pretty good day. And, as someone famous once said, all's well that ends well. Oh and also, I went for Nazzura's Hari Raya open house earlier today! I'm going to do a picture post for the back to back movie outing, then another text post about the open house plus the movie outing for today AND another picture post for today's events! Hahaha ain't there gonna be tons of posts today my friends!

P.S. I apologize if my post doesn't make any sense and if there are tons of grammatical errors, my brain isn't exactly functioning properly so I'll just post this up and edit it once I'm back from yet another movie outing. Teehee.