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Why hello there, my name is Aaron and welcome to my blog :) This is the place where I share all of my fondest memories with you and also the place where I rant out all the emotions I get flooded with daily.

Bucket List
  Get accepted by a university
  Attend university
  Survive A Levels
  Meet Gin Lam and attend her classes
  Meet Ellen Kim and attend her classes
  Go for Urban Dance Camp at least once
  Bungee Jumping
  Diving in the Maldives
  Attend the Ellen DeGeneres show!
  Meet Ailee
  Meet Beyonce
  Make my own YouTube Channel
  Diving in the Maldives
  Walk along a pristine beach with a loved one
  Be in a long lasting, stable relationship
  Get a Charm Bracelet
  Purchase the full set of The New 52 Batgirl Comics
  Purchase the full set of The New 52 Wonder Woman Comics


Ask me anything :)

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Dearest friends,
Tuesday 30 July 2013 | Posted by Aaron | 0 comment/s
Yeap. So it's 1.54am right now and I'm just sitting here, bored out of my mind, ready to start a new blog. Yeap, that's right. A new blog. Again. I now have reached the point in life where I'm transitioning from A levels to uni, with nothing better to do but to read, dance, exercise, play video games, going out with friends, eating and sleeping. And now I've started a blog so I can finally start doing something which is a little more productive than what I normally do. Its really ironic how I'm starting a blog when my existence in life has literally come down to the issue that most individuals would face constantly in their lives - boredom.

To be honest, I'm meant to have started doing more productive things such as acquiring a summer job, getting an internship and going for summer classes leading up to uni. Since I'm going to an Australian university, my semester will commence in January/February instead of August/September, which is when American and British universities start. I really can't wait to start uni, because right now I honestly don't have much to do.

My phone says its 2.03am right now, and oddly enough I don't feel sleepy at all. This is probably because I took a 3 hour nap earlier today whilst helping my babysitting my niece, who is currently 2 years old. Yes, I took a 3 hour nap whilst babysitting her only because she was taking a nap too! And she slept for a longer period of time than I did okay? So yeah. :3

Weirdly enough, after typing out that paragraph, my eyelids are starting to droop and I'm feeling slightly lethargic. Hmm, I should probably just go lie down and try to get some shut-eye. Anyway I just wanted to type a short introductory post to start this blog off.

And I promise I'll try my best to keep this blog as lively as possible, and constantly updated about everything that's going on with my life. :3